For any maintenance modality, the following process must be carried out:

  • Have on hand the information of the part or equipment subject matter of the call (date of purchase, part number, serial number, etc.)
  • Call the local toll-free number 018000119966; write an e-mail note to
  • Or visit Redsis’ client support WEB page:
  • The client must provide the final-user description of the fault presented. If applicable, document with logs, pictures, videos, etc.
  • The Client Help Center (CHC) validates the information and determines the type of service: (Warranty from Redsis or from the manufacturer, Extended Service, Chargeable Service), de according to each case.
  • The Client Help Center (CHC) opens an incident and a case number is assigned, and notified to the client.
  • The Client Help Center (CHC) manages and follow-up the incident until it is closed.